Senior Housing Connection

three ladies


Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Though wellness resolutions might be abundant this time of year, did you know statistics show that fitness resolutions on average, only last for 17 days? Yes, you read that correctly, 17 daysl In order for you to increase vitality and obtain greater wellness I have put together my top tips on how to keep motivation up well beyond the 17-day mark and how to make goals and stick to them, including how simple activities.such as walking have a huge impact on overall health and well being.

1. Walking can make a huge impact on your overall health and well being. So get walking obesity in America is at record levels – a major reason that we have higher obesity rates than others in the developed world appears to be that we walk much less. 2015 is the year we as a nation need get serious about walking. I often hear that walking is too easy and that only sweaty, strenuous activity offers real benefits. But there is abundant evidence that regular, brisk walking is associated with better health, including lower blood pressure, better moods and improved cholesterol ratios. Try to walking rather driving to work or to run errands as often as you can – in other words, think of walking as alternative transportation.

2. Grab a buddy and Walk the halls at Parkwood Heights. Studies show that factors including accountability and the “buddy system” increase the likelihood of following through with workout goals. Sign up for the exercise class together with a friend or co-worker and make it part of your weekly routine. Your body and peace of mind will thank you!

3. Use…Walking Poles? One variation to walking you might wish to try includes walking (fitness) poles. Some fitness poles have been shown to increase the calories burned while walking by a whopping 30 to 40 percent, as well as reducing the impact on knees, hips and legs. Other research has shown that walking with poles increases oxygen consumption by 20 to 25 percent when compared to walking without them. The result is a better cardiovascular and muscular workout with less stress on weight-bearing joints. What’s not to love?

4. Buy a Pedometer. A study by The Journal of the American Medical Association showed that people who used pedometers to monitor their daily activity walked about one extra mile each day (or 2,000 more steps) compared to those who wore covered pedometers and couldn’t monitor their steps. Analysis also found that blood pressure and weight were lowered. If possible, make a daily walk around Parkwood Heights a part of your daily routine.

5. Leave the stress behind. In 2015, be sure to take the time to also focus on your inner well being. Keep calming scented candles throughout your home or apartment, wear your favorite perfume more often to appreciate its fragrance, which helps improve overall happiness. Try not to take things too seriously – a negative mood only adds to your level of stress. Another plus – laughter seems to help boost the immune system, in turn making you less prone to developing colds and other infections.